To stay in touch with their expectations, and communicate on the right dates the European forecasts for the summer fruit and vegetable harvests and to discuss the challenges of the sector, in addition to the show, medFEL continues the format of medFEL Tuesdays!
medFEL Tuesdays will be fully broadcasted live and in replay, in French, Italian and Spanish. Choose your language before accessing the webinar.
Let's meet on Tuesday 21st May 2024 at 4 p.m (GMT+2).
Hosted by Eric Hostalnou, Chamber of Agriculture of the Pyrenees Orientales.
Hosted by Eric Hostalnou, Chamber of Agriculture of the Pyrenees Orientales.
- Italy: Elisa MACCHI, CSO Italy
- Spain: Javier BASOLS, cooperativas agrarias & Manel SIMON, AFRUCAT
- Greece: Georges KANTZIOS, coopérative ASEPOP
- France: Bruno DARNAUD, AOP pêches et abricots de France
Take the floor
during medFEL Tuesdays
- You are involved in the Fruits and Vegetables sector?
- You want to communicate on your current challenges?
- You have innovations you want to share and promote?
Take the floor on medFEL Tuesdays!
We offer you the opportunity to speak for 1 hour live, online on a current topic related to the Fruit and Vegetable sector!